
St Michael'sChurch of England Primary School

Sandhurst, Berkshire

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Special Events

Our TALK board is now in place in the playground above the TALK bench, giving the children of St. Michael's somewhere to go during break times, when they need to TALK. The children have learnt in assembly, what to do and say when they see someone sitting on the TALK bench. 

Online Safety day: The children learnt about how to stay safe on the internet and also completed activities alongside the theme, "Inspiring Change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online"


Our TALK board has now been unveiled in assembly, where we celebrated the children whose posters were included in the final design. The TALK board will be secured above our TALK bench, so children may sit on it when they are feeling sad, worried or just need a friendly face. In assemblies, we will learn how we can help someone who is sat on the TALK bench. A big THANK YOU to Mrs Newman who painted the TALK board!

TALK Board

Monday 5th February: Zimbabwe Day. Today the children learnt all about Zimbabwe in preparation for when we start emailing and zoom calling a link school in Zimbabwe. We also made a wonderful whole school display which can be found in the school corridor.

Today was Hello Yellow day. We wore Yellow to think about Mental Health and to raise money for Youngminds. We also kicked off Kindness Week to raise money for the NSPCC

Keep a watch out for the new TALK bench! The competition has now ended and Mrs Newman is busy at work designing the new TALK bench! Watch this space and the playground!



This week the whole school community has begun to think about how we 'live' the British Values in our school. In assembly, we spoke about Democracy and how we are democratic in school. We will continue to work together to see how we use the British values to shape our time in school and identify the ways in which we need to improve! 

Watch this space! 

The whole school working together to see how we are democratic at St. Michael's

The Golden Shoe winners are Year 2 and Year 6!

Celebrating the King's Coronation with a Tea Party

Whole School cross country

Spring Concert

World Book Day; dressing up as people from non fiction books

Christmas was celebrated at St. Michael's with class parties!

KS1 Nativity

Children in need day

Odd sock day!

Anti Bullying started with the children wearing odd socks. This reminded us that we are all different and unique and should all be celebrated. this week in school we will be 'reaching out' to ask if others are ok, to tell if we notice bullying or others being ok, and to TALK if we are worried or upset about bullying.

Year 2 and Year 6 Winners

Monday 10th to Friday 14th October was our Walk to school week. Year 2 and Year 6 were the winners of the coveted golden shoe...will they still have it in May?

Hello Yellow

Monday 10th October was World Mental Health Day and at St. Michael's we all wore yellow to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing and to raise money for Young minds. 

Wow work a St. Michael's!


The children spent two weeks investigating, researching, designing, creating and presenting work on the environment and the impact that we as humans are having on our planet. They worked so hard and everyone in the community enjoyed sharing their finished projects. 

Monday 26th September



Each class set off this morning, with great excitement to their unknown destination. 

Ducklings and Year 1 arrived at Marwell Zoo, Year 2 at Chessington, Year 3 and 4 went to Whipsnade Zoo, Year 5 To Wakehurst Place and Year 6 went to Longleat.


Our theme for this years' WOW trip is linked to climate change, conservation and global warming.

We only have one planet and we hope the children, as a result of their learning and experiences on the Wow Trips today, will produce some excellent project work in class over the next two weeks linked to the important issues covered in each trip.


See you all on Friday 7th October when we will have an open afternoon to showcase all that we have learnt. 

Environment Day Photographs

Monday 20th June

Today was Environment Day at St. Michael's. The children enjoyed watching different videos, reading stories and exploring the different ways in which man is destroying our planet. They were then given the opportunity to design and make something of their choice, using what they had learned as inspiration. 

The Queen's Canopy

On Wednesday 25th May we were very pleased to welcome The Mayor and Mayoress of Sandhurst to our school, to share the Queen's Canopy Tree planting ceremony with us. The new Crab Tree was donated by Squires Garden Centre following some very persuasive letters from our Year 5 children and will remind us of this very special Jubilee and the part we played in it. As well as participating in planting new plants to help the environment. 

Wow trip at Windsor Castle

It was with great pleasure that we returned to our WOW trips after a long break! 7 coaches left the school on Friday 13th May and headed off to a secret location. The realisation that we were visiting Windsor Castle was met with many squeals of delight. The children enjoyed a variety of workshops with their classes and a self guided tour of the castle, exploring the State Rooms, Doll's House and the chapel. As usual the behaviour was exemplary. 

Year 6 are enjoying their bike ability this week!

Monday 15th November, saw the start of Anti-bullying week. As a community, we explore bullying and ways we can prevent it in our school. On Monday, we wore crazy socks to show that we are all different and need to be able to embrace all the differences we have that make us unique. The theme this week is One Kind word, which also ties in with our Collective Worship theme of Compassion. 

Crazy Socks!

Pride Autumn Term 1 2021

Sports Day 2021

Still image for this video

Special School Days and Events

Eco rewards and Walk to school week.


What better way to introduce our partnership with Eco Rewards than during our Walk to school week!

The Eco Reward System allows us to register our green journeys to and fro school. Not only can we earn points for our houses, but also we can be entered in to prize draws and get money and discounts in shops. Email the office for more information or to get your fob!


Walk to school was another HUGE success and Year 4 retained the Golden Shoe for another term! Year 1 won the coveted shoe in KS1. 


It will be back in the Autumn Term, and the competition will be fiercely competed again!

Check out the Eco Reward System here!

Attenborough's Corner Remembrance Garden


Following kind donations from the Staff at St. Michael's, we were able to buy some plants and seeds for our garden. Not only will it create a haven for wildlife, but it will offer a special place to remember members of our school community who we have recently lost.


Thank you to those who have contributed with plants too. 

Attenborough's Corner Remembrance Garden


At St. Michael's we are very proud to announce that we have launched a new Mental Health Initiative in school. 

Tell: we want our children to Tell others when they are sad, worried or upset about things.

Ask: we want our children to Ask for help and also to Ask their friends if they see them looking sad or worried. 

Listen: we want our children to know that there are people here in school and agencies outside school that will Listen to their worries. 

Know: we want our children to Know that they can Tell and Ask when they have worries, that they will have people who will Listen to them and we want them to Know who these people are in and out of school. 

Our pupils have been finding out about TALK and how our school values can help them to Tell, Ask, Listen and Know

Great British Art Week!

The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about different artists and their paintings. They immersed themselves in Art, through drawing, sketching, painting, writing, music and collage. They critiqued, analysed and created! Check out their work below!

RED NOSE DAY - March 2021

St. Michael's joined together as a community, showing creativity, courage and compassion. They came in red, armed with their jokes they had practiced, and performed them to their class friends with confidence. The class winners then went on to perform them to the whole school via our special Teams competition assembly! It was so lovely to hear the sound of laughter rippling down the corridors! 

He are some of our winning jokes from our competition - 

Year 1: What's a panda wearing a scrunchy? A Panda Scrunchy!

Year 2: What is your name? Mrs Fawkes; What's this? A nose; What's in my hand? Nothing;     Mrs Fawkes knows nothing!

Year 3: Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honey combs!

Year 4: What did one tomato say to the other tomato? You go ahead, I will ketchup later!

Year 5: What did the policeman say to his tummy! Freeze your under a vest!

Year 6: The other day I got beaten up by a wasp but to be fair, he did have 5 black belts.

Christmas Carol Service

Still image for this video

Christmas Activities at St. Michael's


Throughout the week the children have enjoyed participating in many different Christmas Activities including - 

Christmas Lunch: wearing Christmas jumpers and hats.

Christmas Parties: enjoying their special Christmas packed lunch and taking part in many games. 

Santa Run: wearing Santa hats and raising money for Sebastian's Trust.

Have a look at the photographs below to see all the fun in Christmas Colour!

It's a cracker!

Still image for this video
Wednesday 16th December 2020

Anti Bullying Week


During this important week, (16th - 20th November 2020) the children discussed how we can all be 'United Against Bullying'. In their classes, many discussions were held about the steps we should take to stop bullying. We started off the week with a Crazy Socks Day!

United we stand against bullying

Pride of St. Michael’s


Our prestigious half term awards are received at the end of every half term. Nominated by their peers, one child from each class receives a certificate and medal for demonstrating the four values in class: Courage, Community, Creativity and Compassion.


Autumn First Half term: Finley  (Ducklings), Elijah (Year 1), Grace  (Year 2) George (Year 3), Clara  (Year 4), Amelia  (Year 5 ) and Oscar  (Year 6).


Autumn Second Half Term: Jack (Ducklings), Evie (Year 1), Poppy (Year 2), Harry C (Year 3), Cyresse (Year 4), Phoebe (Year 5) and Olivia O (Year 6).



Walk to School Week

The pupils of St. Michael’s left their cars at home and walked, scooted and rode to school. In the end, it was year 2 and Year 4 who had the highest amount of children walking to school over the week. Both classes won a coveted Golden Shoe! Next summer, we will run the event again and see who will be the next victors!


Hello Yellow

Everyone arrived in school dressed in Yellow; from t-shirts to socks, from hair bands to coats. During the day, we talked about our Mental Health and well being and looked at ways in which we can improve this. As a school we raised £214.30 towards a children’s Mental Health Charity called Young Minds.


Black History Month

During the whole month of October, the school focused on influential black people, from history and today, who have inspired us, amazed us and who have had an impact on today’s world. The children created a range of beautifully presented fact files, posters and leaflets. They sang songs and learnt poems. At the end of the month, each class recording an assembly, presenting all the facts they have learnt. We also had a wonderful display of the children's work in school too!



Year 6 have enjoyed the opportunity to learn how to ride their bikes safely by taking part in Bikeability (a cycling proficiency training course).

