
St Michael'sChurch of England Primary School

Sandhurst, Berkshire

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Class Teacher: Miss Smith 

Support Staff: Mrs McComish and Mrs Lyne


Class Routines:

  • Please ensure that your child arrives at school by 8.45am
  • Children are given morning tasks to complete before register, and it is important that all children feel settled each morning, in order to start the day as positively as possible.
  • Assemblies take place daily at 9.00am each morning.  



  • PE will take place on a Tuesday (Outdoor PE with Mr Boardman) and on a Friday (PE with Miss Smith).
  • No earrings or watches. If your child can not take their earring out they will miss PE.
  • Children should come into school wearing only the correct school PE kit on PE days.


Home Learning:

  • Children will be issued alternating English and Maths homework on a Monday, which will then be marked the following Monday. 
  • It is extremely important that homework is completed and brought into school by the deadline.
  • We are encouraging independence now we have reached Year 5 and therefore each child should be completing their reading record, with a signature from a parent/carer to confirm reading has taken place. 
  • Children are encouraged to be responsible for ensuring their home-work is completed on time and for taking care of their home-learning book throughout the year. 


Class Rewards:

  • Each academic year starts with the class discussing their goals, responsibilities and the learning environment they want to create. These form the basis of our ‘Wonderful We Wills’ which are displayed as a charter, signed by each child.
  • Children will be awarded house points for outstanding work and those who have put in exceptional effort are celebrated in assembly each Friday by receiving a Headteacher’s award.
  • Each term, each class will nominate one student to receive the coveted ‘Pride of St Michael’s’ award which celebrates children who have consistently demonstrated our school values of ‘Courage’, ‘Compassion’, ‘Creativity’ and ‘Community’.


Outdoor Learning:

  • Woods walks and outdoor learning will continue into Year 5. Our visits will be linked to curriculum subjects with teacher-led learning and children are also encouraged to explore the rich woodland environment at Ambarrow Woods.
  • Details of Woods Walks will be released the week before they are planned. Children will be required to come to school in weather appropriate shoes and clothes, with their usual school uniform to change back into. 


Year 5 Topics:

  • During the Autumn term, our Year 5 history focus will be on the Mayan Civilization and our Geography focus will be on "What is life like in the Alps?". 



  • Last year demonstrated that our children are creative and confident writers, and their writing will be developed further this year to extend and refine their grammatical and composition skills.
  • This year, the core books we will be studying and linking to our writing are: War Horse, Hidden Figures, The Saga of Erik the Viking, The Highwayman, True Survivors and Journey to the River Sea. These texts will form a rich basis on which to develop writing skills in several genres: Character Studies, Diary Entries, Online Newspaper articles, Narrative & Image Poetry, Biographies, Information Reports and Leaflets and Fantasy Fiction.  



  • We begin the Autumn term by deepening the children’s knowledge and application of the four operations (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication). We will also build on our knowledge of place value and ordering numbers as well as revisiting fractions.



  • Our exciting science curriculum will start with an Autumn focus on ‘Forces’ followed by ‘Earth and Space’.




  • Each week, the children be engaging in regular class sessions where we discuss important topical issues such as managing our friendships in school and online, how we can express our feelings safely in school and on a wider scale and how we change as we grow up. We are proud to foster a school environment where children feel safe discussing their feelings and emotions in order to develop their confidence and resilience.
  • Our robust RE curriculum will focus on the study of Sikhism, where there will be an opportunity for the children to visit a Gurdwara to enrich their knowledge and understanding of the Sikh religion. Our Christianity studies will continue with a deeper look at the meaning of the resurrection and modes of prayer. 

Useful Websites and documents for parents

