
St Michael'sChurch of England Primary School

Sandhurst, Berkshire

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Collective Worship


Collective Worship

An act of Collective Worship takes place every day and is an important part of school life, making space for pupils and staff to come together and share in worship through learning, music, reflection and prayer.


Our worship is inclusive and gives all of the school community the chance to be part of the experience, while respecting the integrity of cultural backgrounds and beliefs. 


The weekly pattern of collective worship looks like this:

Monday – Roots and Fruits Assembly led by class teachers introducing the focus of the week

Tuesday - Class worship linked to the week's theme and Reverend Castle 

Wednesday - Hymn practice

Thursday - Themed Assembly led by class teachers

Friday - Celebration Assembly led by the Headteacher


Our theme for this half term is Trust.


Class Assemblies

At the end of each half term, we invite our parent community to join us for a special class assembly led by the children linked to the theme we are currently focusing on. 


Roots and Fruits

Roots and Fruits is what we base our collective worship on. It is rooted in Bible teaching and twelve Christian values represent the fruit that grows as the teaching is lived out in every day life. Each half term focuses on one value (theme) which links with the Church calendar. 


Prayer and Reflection 

Prayer and reflection are an important feature of collective worship. Everybody is invited to prepare themselves and join in if they wish to do so in which they want or pray, and join in with ‘Amen’. You can help your child to learn our school prayer which was created by children at our school:

Dear Lord,
Let your light shine in our community.
Give us courage and creativity and

Help us to have compassion 

To shine through our school.

We regularly share the Lord’s Prayer together:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.



There will be opportunities when, in silence or to appropriate music, everyone is able to reflect. The atmosphere during collective worship is very important, the way that we speak to children, the way they are expected to behave and the way in which they come in sets the tone. Spirituality is where we 'grow the soul'. It is woven like a thread through our school enriching who we are. By creating meaningful moments, we aim to transform thoughts, actions and heighten awareness. Through providing an exciting, engaging and thought provoking curriculum, we encourage children to explore, ask questions, reflect and grow as unique individuals. We want our pupils to go out from St Michael’s and shine brightly in their communities. See below how we provide opportunities for children to develop spirituality across the curriculum. 


Worship Leaders 

Our Year 6 Worship Leaders volunteer to carry out important tasks and roles within the spiritual life of the school. They regularly help to plan, deliver and reflect on our worship linked to our Roots and Fruits.


Useful Links:

Oxford Diocesan - 

Church of England Education Office -

St Michael's & All Angels Church -


