Our Curriculum
At St. Michael’s we are very proud of our curriculum, and the breadth of learning that we offer. Our curriculum offers experiences and opportunities for our pupils that go far beyond the expectations of the National Curriculum.
'Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is broad, balanced, exciting and well planned. The curriculum makes sure that pupils enjoy and learn from a wide range of experiences, including going on many trips to enrich their learning. Visitors to the school also contribute to the knowledge and understanding that pupils acquire at St Michael’s.' (Ofsted, 2019)
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum is the framework used at St Michael's and all maintained schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. It seeks to build on the learning children experienced in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
The National Curriculum sets out the subjects taught as well as the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject. It also provides standards or statements in each subject, used by teachers to help measure your child's progress and plan the next steps in their learning.
Curriculum Information
Behaviour Curriculum
Successful relationships are underpinned by the positive ethos promoted our school culture; a culture which demands high expectations of staff and pupils and which also demonstrates respect, tolerance and understanding of difference, in the drive towards equity of opportunity and high aspirations for all. We aim to create a culture of exceptionally good behaviour: for learning, for community and for life.
We aim to build a community which values kindness, care, respect, tolerance and empathy for others (including adults), and to help learners take control over their behaviour and be responsible for the consequences of it. We encourage pupils to value the diversity in our society and the environment in which they live whilst becoming active and responsible citizens, contributing to the community and society.
As part of our behaviour curriculum, we also expect our pupils to show off their personality, and this is achieved through building strong relationships with the pupils so that they feel comfortable to be themselves. We want to support our pupils to grow into adults who are polite, respectful, grateful and who always consider others. We believe that, as pupils practise these behaviours, over time they become automatic routines that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them.