Class Teachers: Mrs Cotterill (Mon - Wed) & Mrs Appleby (Thurs & Fri)
Support Staff: Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Black
Year 6
English: This term (Spring), we will be looking at the genres of narrative writing, letter writing, Blogs and diary writing, drawing on our focus text ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. As well as a writing competition, nearer the end of the academic term.
Maths: We will be looking at ratio, algebra, decimals, the relationship between fractions/decimal and percentages. With area and perimeter and statistics being covered towards the end of the spring term.
For a more detailed overview, please see the curriculum overview at the bottom of this class page.
This term the children will bring home a maths and grammar study guide for them to use as additional support. They will then also be provided with a maths and a grammar workbook for them to work in. Pages for both maths and grammar will be set on a Monday and will be due back the following Monday for marking.
In addition to this set homework, each week your child should read aloud most days and their reading record books signed. They should also continue to work on learning all their times tables up to 12x12.
Class Routines
PE will take place on a Monday afternoon and Tuesday Morning. Children should come into school in their PE kit on these days. No earrings or watches are allowed. Children need to have a blue PE shirt, blue shorts and/or jogging bottoms, a warm jacket, trainers and socks. On Tuesday they will be doing hockey and they will require shin-pads and a mouth guard for safety. They should bring them in every Tuesday for their session on that day.
As ever, if you require any further information, please come and chat to the class teacher after school or send an email via the school office
Useful websites
Useful Information
Useful Dates:
Bikeability: Week Beginning 11th November 2024
Sat's Week: 12th May 2025 - 15th May 2025
Lakeside Week: Sunday 15th June - Friday 20th June 2025