School Meals
Children are welcome to bring in a packed lunch to school or to have a school dinner. School meals at St Michael's CE Primary School are provided by Caterlink.
Caterlink School Meals Online Ordering and Payment System
Please click on the link below to order a meal or make a payment:
There are some useful documents at the bottom of the page including menus and support guides.
Please note that all children in Ducklings (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 &2) are entitled to a free school meal.
Nut Free School
We are a nut free school . Please ensure packed lunches do not contain any form of nut/peanuts, this includes peanut butter, chocolate/cereal bars containing nuts, and any other product that contains a nut in any form. Whilst we appreciate this may cause an inconvenience, we have to consider the welfare of all children and have a duty of care for them. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Lunches and snacks
Packed lunches
Packed lunches should include:
Packed lunches should not include:
Healthy Snacks for Break
As part of our aim to encourage all pupils to eat a balanced diet, which includes the recommended five portions of fruit/vegetables a day, we only permit children to bring a piece of fruit (fresh or dried), vegetables (e.g. carrot or celery sticks) and water, to school for morning break. All pupils in Key Stage 1 are offered a free piece of fruit at morning break, as part of the Government’s ‘fruit for schools’ scheme.
Water Bottles
Children are permitted to bring a water bottle to school to drink from and should only contain water - no juice drinks. Bottles are available to purchase from the school office. For health reasons, please ensure bottles are labelled and taken home to wash. Indoor and outdoor water fountains are also available for the children to use. At lunchtime, water jugs and beakers are placed on all tables for all pupils to use.