Spring Term,
Please find below details of our learning this half term:
English: We are writing narratives (stories) and Non-information texts (leaflets). We will be applying our spelling knowledge to include common exception words (please see list added at the bottom of the Year 1 page) and words ending in -ed, -ing, -s, -es and that start with un-.
Maths: We are extending our knowledge of place value to numbers from 0-20 and then using what we know to add and subtract numbers up to 20.
History: We are learning how to use old artefacts, photographs and our toys from today to see how toys have changed through the years.
Geography: Using maps, atlases and globes we will learn about the UK , where it is and its seasons and weather.
Design and Technology: After investigating how to join materials in different ways, we will be designing and making puppets.
Music: We will continue to find out about beat and rhythm by listening to and composing music.
Science: At the start of the term we will look at planting seeds and then we will be finding out about different groups of animals.
PSHE: This term our focus is on Health and Wellbeing and Safety and the changing body.
Phonics: This is still our major focus in Year 1. Please see below for the new sounds that we will be learning.
PE: Football (Wednesday with Mr Boardman) and Handball (Thursday with Mrs Fawkes)
Woods: Thursday 13th February
Mrs Fawkes
Year 1 Staff
Class Teacher: Mrs Kay Fawkes
Support Staff: Miss Milstead, Mrs Coade, Mrs Allen, Mrs McComish, Mr Louis (PE)
Phonics: For phonics in Year 1, please continue to practise daily with your child using the website www.phonicsplay.co.uk and Edshed.
If you have any queries please ask Mrs Fawkes.
In class we will be learning:
w/c 6/01/25: We are revising previous sounds; s, th, oo, er, a (as in lama)ew, ie and u_e.
w/c 13/10/25:
w/c 20.01.25
w/c 27.01.25:
w/c 3.02.25
w/c 6.02.25
Autumn Term
Welcome to Year 1!
Writing: We will be looking at how to write a sentence and join them together to make a story or piece of writing. Handwriting will be a big focus to ensure that all the letters are correctly formed. We will look at adding the prefix 'un' and suffixes 'ed' 'ing' 's' 'es' to root words. We will be exploring fairy stories, recounts, character descriptions and fact files.
Maths: We will be exploring the topics of place value to 10 and then 20, Addition and subtraction and shape.
History: We will be exploring timelines and investigating why a castle was built in our local area.
Science: We will learn about our human bodies, materials and note seasonal changes.
Art and Design: Mark making is our first topic. After half term in Design and technology we will look at designing and making a moving story book.
PHONICS and READING: these areas will be at the forefront of our learning as they help us to access all the other parts of the curriculum. The children will read in class at least once a week both individually and as a class. We will have daily phonics lessons. Please complete as much phonics and reading practise at home to help consolidate and extend your child's learning.
Please find below a video showing the sounds and also a link to Youtube, this has the videos for each sound taught.
PE: Wednesday and Thursdays
Woods walks: Children come dressed for woods and have a change of named clothing (PE kit or school uniform depending on which day off the week we go) Dates TBC
Useful websites
Useful Information