Welcome to our Remote Learning information page!
On this page, you will find information regarding how we will be using Microsoft Teams to deliver Remote Learning should there be a school closure or if a whole class was required to isolate.
If we are required to use Microsoft Teams for Remote Learning, this is what you can expect:
- Daily English, Maths and Topic tasks uploaded by 9am daily
- Daily explanation video from class teacher to explain the tasks
- Resources for all tasks, including voice over PowerPoints, saved in the team file section
- Tasks may be set as assignments, open ended tasks or as quizzes
- Class teacher will be available via the teams conversation (chat) facility should your child have any questions about the tasks (the teacher will be available to respond to these between 9am-3pm)
- Regular live class meetings (to be timetabled to ensure no clash with siblings)
Basic Instructions
User Guide for Microsoft Teams
Video - 'How to' Student Guide to Teams
Video - Full Parent and Student Guide to Teams
Video - Student Guide to Assignments