
St Michael'sChurch of England Primary School

Sandhurst, Berkshire

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Year 4

Class Teachers: Mr Parsons, Mr Handy (Wednesday), Mrs McComish (PPA Cover Tuesday PM)

Support Staff: Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Black, Mrs Newman


Year 4 

English: This term we will be exploring stories in familiar settings, diary entries, spooky stories and non-chronological reports. The children will also learn about nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbials. Some of the texts we will be studying are; ‘There's a boy in the girls' bathroom' and ‘The Butterfly Lion’.


Maths: We will be looking at place value, addition, subtraction, area and multiplication and division.


For a more detailed overview, please see the curriculum overview at the bottom of this class page.



Alternating Maths and English homework will be sent home every week on a Monday and then marked the following Monday. Please remind your child to bring in their Homework book every Monday so new English or Maths sheets can be stuck in!


In addition to this set homework, each week your child should read aloud most days and their reading record books signed. They should also work on learning all their times tables up to 12x12. 


Class Routines

PE will take place on a Tuesday PM and Friday PM. Children should come into school in their PE kit on these days. No earrings or watches are allowed. Children need to have a blue PE shirt, blue shorts and/or jogging bottoms, a warm jacket, trainers and socks.


Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

Children will be sitting their Multiplication Tables Check at school in June 2025. Revision has already begun in school, and the children will have opportunities most days to sit the online test on a school iPad or PC or revise specific times tables. Support with times-tables at home will really help give your child the opportunity to do their very best in the test.


The following website is highly recommended for supporting your child and is the website they are currently using at school:


As ever, if you require any further information, please come and chat to the class teacher after school or send an email via the school office
