Class Teachers: Mrs Billins (Mon-Wed), Mr Handy (Thurs-Fri)
Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Nurton, Mrs. McComish
Autumn Term 2024-2025
Welcome to Key Stage 2. We hope the children had a wonderful summer break and are fully rested in preparation for a busy Autumn term.
What to bring to the classroom
We will be rewarding children with house points if they are able to bring their Super Six stationary to school. The Super Six are:
The children may also bring in coloured pencils and felt tips in a small pencil-case, if they wish.
This term, we will be focusing on Place Value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. There is a big focus on learning multiplication tables in Years 3 and 4. To begin with, the children in Year 3 will learn their 2,5,10,3 and 4 times tables so any practise at home would be beneficial.
How can you help at home? The great majority of the children in the school are enjoying using Times-Table Rockstars regularly, and this is reflected in their learning of the tables. We are expecting some of the Year 3 children to learn all their tables to 12x by the end of the year. Some of the children enjoy competition in learning the tables, and we will be displaying a 'leader board' for the children to demonstrate the results of their hard work.
Please try to find opportunities to practise everyday maths in the real world: counting coins to find the correct amount working out the correct change; weighing ingredients using scales and reading the time on an analogue clock.
During the first half of the Autumn term, the children will be reading Fairy Tales and writing their own alternative version of a Fairy Tale. They will then be creating a non-chronological report (fact file) about Volcanoes which links with our Geography topic about 'Why do people live near Volcanoes?'
During the second half of the term, the children will be reading Stone Age Boy and The Ice Palace. Linked to Stone Age Boy, and their history topic on the Stone Age, the children will be writing a story based on the Stone Age and will be creating a diary entry, writing as if they were alive during the Stone Age and writing about their experiences.
How can you help at home? Please ensure that your child reads aloud at least 4 times a week. This is absolutely vital if the children are to shine to their best ability; it is the biggest factor in how well your child progresses. The children should bring in their reading record books every day, signed by an adult when they have read. Remember to colour in the stars on their bookmarks each time they have read, so the children can be presented with their reading certificates.
In Science during the Autumn term, we will be focusing on the following:
- Skeletons
- Movement
- Nutrition and Diet
- Food Waste
- Rocks
The children will be answering the following questions:
- Does taking bread and wine show that someone in Christian?
- Is light a good symbol for celebration?
PE will be taught on Mondays and Wednesdays; on these days the children should come to school in their PE kit. This term the term the children will be enjoying Gymnastics, Golf, Football and Handball.
Alternating Maths and English homework will be sent home every Wednesday, and should be handed in by the following Monday. All children will be expected to complete their homework by this deadline. Completed homework will stay at school so that any errors and misconceptions can be addressed at school.
We recommend that children complete their homework earlier in the week, as this gives them time to ask their teachers for help, if it is needed.
Of course, you are welcome to help your child complete their homework, but if they need a lot of help, please let us know, so we can give them further support.
Please remind your child to bring in their homework every Monday (or earlier, if it is completed early) so that homework can be marked and new homework can be issued.
As always, if you require any further information, please come and chat to the class teacher after school or send an email via the school office
Useful websites
BBC Skillswise - advice for parents who want to help with homework